Add your Council or Group

Only the Family Council Staff Assistant or active members of the Family Council for which information is being provided may submit a listing. For Family Council Group listings (Networks and Cluster Groups) only an active member of the Family Council Network/Cluster Group for which information is being provided may submit a listing. The information will be verified by Family Councils Ontario staff before the listing is published. By submitting this form you agree to have the information provided published on the Family Councils Ontario website. By submitting this form you agree that you understand that this information will be publicly available to any visitor to this website. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information. Any changes or updates to this information must be sent to the Family Councils Ontario at


Information du conseil or groupe


J’ai lu et compris l’avertissement ci-dessus et j’accepte que les renseignements fournis sont exacts. Je confirme que je suis un membre actif du Conseil de la famille ou un membre du personnel du foyer de soins de longue durée, ou un membre actif du réseau ou du regroupement du Conseil de la famille pour lequel je présente les coordonnées et les renseignements sur les activités.