Family Council Silverthorn Care Community

Silverthorn Care Community

Family Council
  • Emplacement: Mississauga, ON
  • RLISS: Mississauga Halton

Our Family Council consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer. We meet monthly and usually have 6 family members in attendance with up to 25 family members interested in our Family Council who attend when they can. We discuss any questions or matters pertaining to our residents’ wellbeing, invite special guests such as local politicians, Home staff as well as staff from our parent company to inform us about their roles. We participate in our Newcomer’s meetings to promote our Family Council. We also attend many of the activities provided by the Home for the residents and families. We are invited to some of the Home’s planning meetings. We have a very productive and open relationship with the Home staff to ensure our residents’ wellbeing.