The Value of Family Stories with Catherine

Presented by the Toronto Council on Aging

Do you want to learn how to tell your own family history and story? Join us for an interactive discussion with Catherine.

About this event

Short description of the event:

Based on the demand for the session that took place on November 2021, How to Tell Your Own Family Stories and History with Catherine, Community Circle is hosting another session with Catherine: The Value of Stories with Catherine!

The expectations are seeing if anyone in the group has thought about this topic, has tackled this idea, and then how did they do it, or if they are looking for direction.

The goal of event is to bounce ideas around that would be helpful to participants (and coordinator/presenters), and to see a purpose in telling family stories and history.

Background of the presenter:

Catherine is an amateur genealogist who has always been interested in the history of my own family (and others) and who has collected family stories from older family members. She attended workshops on the subject and have a few written stories in her possession, from people who have self published or written their stories down.

Community Circle:

TCA's Community Circle’s program seeks to engage Toronto’s diverse older adult communities and reduce social isolation during COVID-19. We intend to collaborate with local communities and host virtual webinars, in areas such as arts and culture, recreation, health and fitness and social services. We hope to create a virtual experience which provides a sense of belongingness that is safe, healthy and fun. The program is funded by way of a grant from the Resilient Communities Fund through Ontario Trillium Foundation.