Aging Well Lunch & Learn: Knowledge Exchange on Ageing

Presented by the Toronto Council on Aging


Sharing resources, tips and tools to thrive in our communities.

Upcoming Aging Well Series, please register for events separately.


Mary Shkoury, Prevention Consultant


Mary has been working in Health and Wellness sectors for the last 15 years with a Focus on Seniors Health and Safety. She Graduated from York University with a Specialized Honors BA in Sociology and completed her studies in Gerontology through Queens University.

Her passion and commitment to caring for Canadian Seniors rights has lead her to her role with Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, where her mission is to see our province continue to be a safe place for our seniors to live, be heard and be free from Elder Abuse.

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario:

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario is a provincial, charitable, non-profit organization focused on supporting the implementation of The Ontario Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse and has been doing so since 2002.

The framework of the Strategy focuses on service coordination, building local capacity of front-line workers, caregivers, and community networks, by providing public education and training of professionals/service providers and families of seniors, to raise awareness around elder abuse issues.


Community Circle Program:

TCA's Community Circle’s program seeks to engage Toronto’s diverse older adult communities and reduce social isolation during COVID-19. We intend to collaborate with local communities and host virtual webinars, in areas such as arts and culture, recreation, health and fitness and social services. We hope to create a virtual experience which provides a sense of belongingness that is safe, healthy and fun. The program is funded by way of a grant from the Resilient Communities Fund through Ontario Trillium Foundation.

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