Caregiving: Tips and Resources

Par Family Councils Ontario

At its core, a Family Council is a peer support group and we regularly hear that one of the most important aspects of a Council meeting is the sharing and support that takes place between members. Family Council meetings are incredible opportunities for caregivers to gather together to share openly their concerns, challenges, and feelings. As being a caregiver can be very challenging and often isolating, Family Council involvement is a great way to lessen the burden and connect with others. Caregivers can benefit immensely from a Home's Family Council.

The caregiving journey does not end when someone moves into Long-Term Care. The specific aspects of the caregiving role change when the care recipient partner moves into the Home, but the importance and value of that relationship endures. Given the many changes in the relationship and the necessity of becoming accustomed to a new setting and system, the transition to LTC can be difficult for families. Fortunately, the Family Council can be an incredible resource during the transition process and beyond.

All of the Family Council goals (peer support, education, communication, advocacy) benefit new- and established- family members. Specifically, new members can benefit in these ways:

  • Peer support: The transition to LTC can be very stressful for families. Since the other Council members have experienced the transition, they can provide support to new members.
  • Education: Often, new family members feel that they have an overwhelming amount to learn about the Home, the LTC system, their loved one’s health issues, and more. The educational sessions organized by Councils, and the information education provided from member to member provide families with the knowledge and information they need to be effective caregivers in the new setting.
  • Communication: As Family Councils play an integral role in facilitating communication between the Home and families, new families benefit greatly from a resource they can go to with questions and information requests.
  • Advocacy: Family Councils are not only given the power under the Long-Term Care Homes Act to address collective issues (Advise the licensee of any concerns or recommendations the Council has about the operation of the home), but as a group of engaged family members they can work in partnership with the Home to resolve issues and work towards ongoing quality improvement. As well, if an individual family member has a concern, they can connect with the Council for support on how to resolve the issue.

For additional information on how to support family members transitioning to LTC, check out our Transitioning to Long-Term Care Factsheet. These factsheet provides tips on how Councils can support new family members, including a buddy-system, ‘new Family’ events, welcome packages, and more.

How does your Council support new family members? Share your ideas on our Facebook page:

Additional Resources

Online information for caregivers:

Support groups for caregivers:

** Provision of the above links does not indicate endorsement.

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