Council Members Tell Us the Benefits of Joining a Family Council

Par Family Councils Ontario

Recruiting Family Council members is always a challenge. We hear many comments from family members who do not think it’s helpful to join a Family Council. For example some common comments are: “Why should I join a Family Council? Our Home is fine and I am satisfied with the care?” “I don’t have time.” “I have nothing to complain about.” “Why would I join that?”

There are many benefits in becoming a member of a Council. Family Councils are not a place only to discuss complaints and problems. Councils can be a rewarding experience and can enrich the lives of both residents and families.

Here is what members have told us about the benefits of being on a Family Council:

  1. I feel less lonely and isolated. Caregiving can be a socially isolating experience. Many times caregivers do not have many opportunities to have a social life and a Family Council can be a place to enjoy interacting with others who share the common experience of caregiving.
  2. I have gained a sense of empowerment and control. Often once the care of your beloved is transferred to the Home there is a sense of losing control. A Family Council can help you sort through these feelings and give you something to do that can truly improve the life of residents in the home.
  3. I was able to talk openly and honestly about my feelings. The Council can become a place to help fellow caregivers by listening to their caregiving journey in a non-judgmental environment.
  4. I always felt lighter after a Council meeting. Often sharing at a Council meeting can help reduce distress, depression or anxiety.
  5. I had many questions about the Home and the meetings were full of good information and I was able to get answers to many of my questions. Through Council meetings you can develop a clearer understanding of what to expect from the Long-Term Care Home. Councils invite staff to present about their programs and services and keep members up to date with any changes in the Home.
  6. My mother had dementia and I knew so little about how to help her. Many Council meetings have guest speakers that can give practical advice or information about dementia or other health conditions and how to make the most of your visit.
  7. The Council members helped me work through some of my challenges. Council meetings are a great place to compare notes about resources, such as doctors and alternative options.
  8. The Council members have become my good friends. Forming new friendships with people that you can relate to can be challenging at the best of times. The Family Council is a good place to begin new friendships.
  9. I had no one to share some of the challenges I was facing until I joined the Council. I no longer felt so alone. This statement is one of the most important ones. Above all else Councils can provide a place to be involved in the life of the long term care home.

We are always amazed at the commitment of Family Council members and encourage everyone who is caring for someone in a Long-Term Care Home to get involved in your Council. You are not alone!

What benefits have you experienced as a result of being on a Family Council? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page or Tweet us @FamCouncils_ONT!

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