Creating Community and Vibrancy in Long-Term Care

Par Family Councils Ontario

Groundhogs across the country disagree about the future of winter: will spring come early or will be see six more weeks of winter? Regardless of their predictions, we know that winter can be a tough season for many of us, including those living in LTC. There are fewer hours of daylight and it's cold outside. It can be tough to get outside to enjoy the fresh air. Summer BBQs and camp outings seem so long in the past. We know that there are lots of wonderful things and events that happen in LTC during the colder months, so how can Family Councils help build community and create vibrancy in LTC during the winter and all year round? Here are some ideas!

Family Councils have the power to sponsor and plan activities for residents and collaborate with community groups and volunteers concerning activities for residents (Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, c. 8, ss. 60 (1), 195 (7, 8).). Talk to your Home's activity coordinator to find out how your Council can help support an activity for residents. Does the Home need volunteers for an event? Family Council members could offer to lend their time to the event and support the Home! Working together builds partnerships and community.

Do any of your members have a connection to a community entertainer or group that could come in to entertain residents? Talk to your Staff Assistant about how to plan a vibrant afternoon or evening of entertainment for residents and families.

Spend time one-on-one with residents. Often simply sitting together and spending time together can raise spirits and bring immense amounts of joy.

What are your ideas for building community and vibrancy in Long-Term Care? Share them with us on our Facebook page! Visit to share your ideas!

This year's Family Council Week will be June 4th-10th. Stay tuned for details on this year's theme!

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