Culture Change: Family Councils transforming the LTC community into one where everyone thrives.

Par Family Councils Ontario

In this week's entry in our Culture Change series, we're going to look at how Councils fit into the movement.

The formation of Family Councils in long-term care homes began years before the long-term care sector was focused on culture change. Family caregivers, and especially Family Councils, have been part of the driving force that insisted that care focused on each residents’ needs and that family caregivers be considered part of the team of care. Family Councils were among the pioneers of culture change, putting into practise the elements of social models of care through their involvement in long-term care.

Family Councils are both a driver of and a result of culture change.

How do Family Councils Support Culture Change in LTC?

  • Provide input and feedback on ideas and initiatives in the home
  • Participating in Quality Improvement initiatives and committees e.g. Palliative Care Committee
  • Peer support for family members
  • Help LTC staff better know residents and families
  • Help welcome new family members to the home e.g. New Family Welcome Baskets, connecting with new family on day of resident move-in
  • Educating family members on issues affecting their loved ones e.g. health issues affecting residents, long-term care sector
  • Lead and plan activities for residents and families e.g. Summer BBQ, movie night
  • Support two-way communication between the home and families
  • Work in partnership with LTC home to resolve issues and problem-solve

Families and Family Councils are essential to lasting improvements in LTC and to ongoing culture change. It is only through working together that we can make the changes we want to see in LTC.

Stay tuned next week as we continue discussing culture change!

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