Diversity in Long-Term Care: LGBT elders

Par Family Councils Ontario

This month we are focusing our blogs on diversity in Long-Term Care. During these weeks many traditions have special holidays and people from all over the world have their own diverse ways of celebrating. Even though the traditions may look very different, a closer look shows that the common ground is wishing peace and goodwill for all of us.

As we focus on diversity we want to remember an often overlooked community, that of the LGBT elders who find themselves living in Long-Term Care. I am urging each of you to follow the link to an article that appeared on CBC news site regarding the work that is being done in education and training of Long-Term Care staff on the legacy of fear and prejudice that LGBTQ elders experience in Long-Term Care. CBC article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/trainers-helping-lgbt-seniors-1.4256155

Family Councils can play a key role in ensuring that families feels safe and welcomed into their Home by reaching out and making efforts to include as many families as possible in Council meetings and activities no matter what their background or traditions are.

In this holiday season let us celebrate our diversity and enjoy all the many different traditions with enthusiasm and joy.

FCO wishes each of you a healthy and peaceful holiday season!

Our blog posts will return in January. Happy Holidays!

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