Gearing up for Changing the Way We Care: Innovation & Transformation conference

Par Family Councils Ontario

FCO is gearing up for our Changing the Way We Care: Innovation & Transformation conference on June 14th and 15th in Toronto! The conference will feature informative and engaging plenaries, hands-on breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and more! The conference is FCO’s Family Council Week event and is meant as both a forum for learning and an opportunity to celebration. Join us and Family Council members from across Ontario to learn, network, and celebrate.

Plenary sessions include Integrated Patient Care: Ontario’s First Patient Ombudsman: Why Every Experience Matters by Patient Ombudsman Christine Elliot, Spot Light on Family Councils and Residents’ Councils – Challenges and Innovations by the Change Foundation’s Jodeme Goldhar, and Family engagement and improving health care quality by Jennifer Schipper, Health Quality Ontario. We’ll also be holding a skill-building recruitment session to help you build and enhance your Council and breakout sessions to dive deeper into issues including technology and LGBT issues in Long-Term Care. All of these sessions will explore and help drive innovation and transformation in Long-Term Care.

During the Conference Banquet Dinner on the evening of June 14th, we will be giving out this year’s Outstanding Family Council Member Award. The recipient of this year’s award has demonstrated exception commitment to and leadership of their Council and is a very worthy winner. Stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s recipient. Other highlights from the banquet will include entertainment by Toronto Magician Ben Train ( and fantastic food. We hope to see you there!

For full details on the conference, including registration, visit the conference page: Registration is only $50 for the two-day conference and $25 for the banquet dinner (purchased separately). Registration closes June 7th so don’t delay! We look forward to seeing you on June 14th and 15th in Toronto!

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