Happy September! New initiatives for fall 2018

Par Family Councils Ontario

Happy September!

It’s hard to believe that another summer has come and gone! We’re back in full swing and so excited to share what we’re been working on for this fall.

FCO conference: Strength in Connectedness: Intersections of Mental Health in Long-Term Care

On November 5th and 6th in Toronto, FCO will be hosting a special two-day conference on Intersections of Mental Health in Long-Term Care. This special conference will feature presentations on seniors’ mental health, caregiver stress, the current state and future possibilities of social work in LTC, a play on aging, and more!

Confirmed presentations include:

  • Aging and Mental Health – Current Challenges in LTC: Discussion on stigma surrounding mental health and seniors living in LTC and strategies to ensure proper support for seniors and staff
  • Care for the Caregiver – Discussion on stress in LTC: Focus on caregiver stress and how to support the needs of those caring for seniors in long term care; best practices to avoid burnout for family and friends of residents

Stay tuned for the full conference program and registration details coming soon. We hope to see you there!

Conflict resolution

For quite some time, Council members and LTCH staff have been telling us that they need to develop skills to resolve conflicts within the Council and between the Council and home staff. We are thrilled to announce that this fall and spring 2019 we will be offering trainings on conflict resolution for FC members and LTCH staff! In partnership with St. Stephen’s Community House, we are developing a 2-day workshop on conflict resolution that is tailored to the needs of Councils. The workshop will include the knowledge and skill development you need to resolve common conflicts, opportunities to practice your skills through scenarios, and a safe space to explore factors that can cause conflict. Stay tuned for more info and workshops dates!

Increased opportunities for engagement and connection

As an organization, our strength is our connection with Council members and LTCH staff across Ontario. To increase our strength, we’ll be launching new initiatives that will more deeply involve Council members and staff in our work. Specifically, if you’ve ever wanted to provide us with input on how to make our education materials and resources even better, you’ll soon have the chance to apply to do just that! Stay tuned for more info on this and other initiatives in our eBulletin.

We are thrilled to be continuing our existing work and launching new initiatives that will further increase the ability of Family Council members to increase the quality of life in LTC. Stay tuned for more info coming soon. Happy fall!

Photo by Stephen Ellis on Unsplash

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