Holiday reflections from FCO

Par Family Councils Ontario

December always facinates me because so many different traditions have celebrations. Each celebration may have its own unique activities and yet underneath them all they celebrate goodwill and a wish for more peace and love in our world.a

This past weekend I visited a celebration in Midland called First Light. It was held at the old fort that still stands there called “Saint Marie among the Hurons” and is an interesting tourist attraction all year round that brings alive history of the fist Catholic priests that settled there. During this time of year the fort is lit with thousands of candles and celebrates the holidays through music from many traditions from that area of Ontario who collaborate to organize the event and perform. As people walk through the fort they enjoy singing and dancing from the Ojibway drummers and story tellers to the children’s choirs and even fireworks all rejoicing on a cold winters night with words of peace. There were people there from all over the world enjoying this happy celebration of light.

I was again struck by how in our diversity as a population, especially at this time of year, we can appreciate everyone’s traditions and see how much common ground we all share.

In long-term care in Ontario it can be a great time for caregivers and residents to discover different ways people celebrate. Family Councils can play a strong role in sharing these celebrations by encouraging each other to talk about or even hosting festivities so people can share their traditions. We look forward to hearing how you have shared traditional festivities within your home .

Family Councils Ontario wishes each of a very happy holiday season no matter where you come from, what language you speak or what you celebrate over the next few weeks. We look forward to the new year and working with you in 2019. Happy holidays from the FCO team!

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