Join us next month at 'Engaging Families – Changing Lives!'

Par Family Councils Ontario

This is my personal invitation to each of you to join Samantha and me at the FCO conference in June.

June is Seniors’ Month in Ontario and every year during this very important month Family Council Week is held. This year it is June 6th-12th. During Family Council Week, Family Councils across the province celebrate the large contributions they make as caregivers to Ontarians living in Long-Term Care.

It is always amazing to hear how Family Councils all across the province celebrate the work they do. The list of creative celebrations is long and includes BBQ’s, dinners, booths at local fairs or shopping centers that have information about Councils, staff appreciation awards, festivals involving residents and local communities, and more! The importance of this action cannot be underestimated as it publicizes Council work within the Home, within the community and lets all people involved in Long-Term Care and those who may be thinking about it know about Family Councils.

The theme this year is one dear to our hearts here at FCO: Engaging Families, Changing Lives. We witness the changes that a Council makes in the lives of families & residents and within the Long-Term Care system. The family voice is such an important one and Councils do change lives when they become engaged. We know it, we have seen it and we know you experience it!! Let’s celebrate together in June.

Family Councils Ontario has traditionally held a provincial gathering the week after Family Council Week and this year is no exception. Our two day conference this year is on June 18th and 19th at the Novotel North York and is full of great informative sessions, networking, guest speakers and celebration. We are so proud of all the work that you, Family Council members do! We want you to meet each other, exchange ideas, problem solve together and walk away with inspiration and ideas and with a few new friends too.

We have heard often that caregivers won’t attend this conference because, generally speaking, caregivers are older, don’t like to travel, feel it’s a time waster, are shy and uninterested. Let’s prove them wrong!! In the past our June gathering has had representation from right across the province. We want to meet you and share our excitement and great appreciation for all the work that is being done provincially by Family Councils. We want you to have a chance to meet each other because you are part of a large growing movement – come to Toronto in June.

The conference is not expensive and the food is amazing. Our speakers have all been chosen because of the many questions Councils have been asking us over the year. We always try to match our speakers with what you tell us you want to know about.

This year we will also be featuring the fact we have a new name. We are now Family Councils of Ontario and have a new Board of Directors, some of whom will be on hand to meet you and speak with you directly. It is an exciting time for the FCO team!

The award banquet on Thursday evening is a chance to really have some fun together. We have Jamie Quigley with us to entertain with his piano and singing.

You can register through the event registration site: The registration form is there and is very easy to fill out, however if you do have trouble or a question let us know by email ( and we will help you.

Samantha and I are looking forward to meeting you next month.

Come and meet us and each other for two days of information and inspiration. It is a great way for caregivers to care for themselves!

- Lorraine, Executive Director

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