Learning and networking in Kingston!

Par Family Councils Ontario

Yesterday, May 24th, dozens of Family Council members and Long-Term Care Home staff gathered at Trillium Retirement Residence and Care Community in Kingston for an afternoon of learning, sharing and networking. I, Samantha, had the pleasure of attending and presenting Family Council Advocacy Best Practices to the attendees. We talked about how to effectively advocate, the importance of critically analyzing news reports and information to get to the heart of an issues, the importance of the process not just the outcome, and how to work in partnership to effect positive change. We discussed case studies based on real-life issues faced by Family Councils and tips for advocating successfully. Attendees actively participated and left with concrete ideas for how to advocate successfully for change at local and higher levels. It was a true pleasure to present to the group.

After the presentation, the networking event facilitator, Dawn, lead the group in a facilitated networking session where attendees shared current challenges and recent successes. The attendees had similar challenges and a variety of impressive successes. It is so useful for the FCO staff to hear about what challenges Councils are facing so we can bring those concerns to the sector tables at which we sit. Hearing Council successes is also vital to our work so that we can incorporate them into our presentations and consultations (anonymously, of course!) and use them as examples of success and promising practice. Thank you to the networking event leaders for inviting me to present and participate in the networking day. It was a beautiful day in Kingston and a great opportunity to connect with Family Council members and LTC Home staff from the Kingston area!

Networking events provide invaluable opportunities for Council members and LTC Home staff to gather together, support one other, and learn from each other's experiences. It is at events like this that Councils can give others advice on challenges and celebrate each other's successes. If you're interested in connecting with other Family Councils, check out our Events page for notices of upcoming presentations, workshops, and Education Days. You can also use our Database of Family Councils to connect with Family Councils in your local area and across the province.

What is your Council currently working on? What are your recent successes? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!

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