Reflecting on Motivations this Spring

Par Family Councils Ontario

Spring is (hopefully, for some of us who still have snow on the ground!) just around the corner. The change of season provides us with an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and consider where we want to go next. For Family Councils, that may mean taking a look at your spring/summer goals to determine which specific activities to pursue, or to look back at your accomplishments and consider how to share them with your broader community. Spring can also provide us with an opportune time to reflect on our individual motivations and desires as Family Council members.

Our motivations for supporting a cause may change over time. What started as a desire to connect with others on the same caregiving journey may have changed into a desire to help residents use technology to talk with the loved ones far away. The core drive is the same: to connect. The means to connect is what has changed. Understanding your own motivations and how they have changed or evolved can give great insight into activities to pursue and actions to take. Motivations and passions may change over time or as the result of a single, dramatic catalyst. A single event can spark a new dream in someone. Reading an article or attending an event can fire someone up and steer them in a new direction. Both small and large moments can have huge impacts.

So what does this mean for a Family Council? Understanding that your members’ motivations and goals change over time means that checking in to determine what your members are interested in is essential. Conversations about what people are now interested in can be started by simply asking “has anyone learned or experienced anything they’d like to share?” If a member recently heard about a project in LTC helping residents learn how to use Skype and is really excited about the potential of the project, you could consider a similar project for your next round of activities. You don’t need to- and likely simply can’t- take on every idea or project that excites your members. What you can do is invite them to share their passions and motivations with you. Hear and honour their ideas and perspectives. If there is an idea that appeals to your entire Council, it could be worth pursuing (according to your Council’s Terms of Reference). And you may never would have heard of it if not for listening to what excited or motivates your members!

The beauty of Family Council is that it brings together a diverse group of people, all with different experiences, backgrounds, histories, and motivations. Sharing openly with each other builds peer support, allows us to build on our differences and similarities, and sparks creativity. So, at your next Council meeting consider asking “what have you learned or experienced lately? What is motivating you right now?” The depth and breadth of those answers may astound you. And unless you ask, you’ll never know how your members’ ideas and motivations have changed!

Let us know what currently motivates you! Share your thoughts on our Facebook page:

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