Registration is now open for the LTC Change Makers: 20 years of Family Council Excellence conference!

Par Family Councils Ontario

Registration is now open for the LTC Change Makers: 20 years of Family Council Excellence conference! The theme for the conference “LTC Change Makers: 20 years of Family Council excellence” is a dedication to the many individuals who have mobilized change for the sector past, present, and future. FCO Is thrilled that this year’s event will be our first two-site conference, with events taking place simultaneously in Toronto and Sudbury! Join us for a great two-day event filled with information, interaction, and celebration!

As part of the celebration, all Family Council members and long-term care home staff are invited to attend the conference site of their choosing. For the first time ever, we are able to host the bi-ennial event in two sites and expand our reach in northern Ontario. The conferences will share some programming but will also have sessions based on local needs and interests. We're very excited about this!

To mark the past, present, and future of Family Council excellence, we have several exciting things lined up.


FCO started just over 20 years ago as the Family Councils Project, a pilot project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. As a result of incredible success, the project developed into a program funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) in 2004. In January 2015, the program launched into independence as Family Councils of Ontario, a registered non-profit provincial organization. We're excited to share our 20th anniversary with you!

We're seeking stories and photos of Council histories, celebrations, and successes. We'll compile these stories and share them with Councils across Ontario so we can learn from one another and celebrate together. We'll display them at our June conference and on our website and social media. Our hope is to gather photos and stories from Councils across the province, in both English & French, and from well-established and new Council. We know that many Councils have been in operation for a long time and want to take the opportunity of our 20th anniversary celebration to celebrate them as well!


Our conference session presenters, such as the Patient Ombudsman’s office, the Minister's Patient & Family Advisory Council, and Dr Birgit Pianosi talking about sexuality in seniors, will be speaking about their work and how it impacts people living in, visiting, and working in LTC homes across Ontario. We’ll be exploring how Family Councils can support this work and use these ideas to improve quality of life and care within their long-term care homes.

Also, we’ll again be honouring the Outstanding Family Council Member of the Year. Nominations for the award are now open.


All of the sessions and discussion have one overarching goal: to support attendees in improving their work at their local homes and Family Councils. We’ll be looking ahead with sessions such as:

  • France Gélinas (NDP MPP): What’s new in Ontario Senior Care?
  • OARC & FCO: Key distinctions and opportunities for collaboration
  • Wishstone: Navigating Choices and Care for your Loved One

We are looking forward to celebrating with you in June!

Registration is now open for the LTC Change Makers: 20 years of Family Council Excellence conference! More details can found on the conference page and tickets can be bought online.

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