Setting goal to usher in a new year!

Par Family Councils Ontario

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that it’s already 2019. As we move into a new year, let’s review goal setting and tips for turning goals into reality. We’ll also share some of our goals for this new year.

We’ve written before about tips for creating a Vision Statement, turning goals into action, and evaluating for success. All of these topics are essential for developing goals that will be actionable, support your Council’s mission, and can measured for effectiveness. But, how do you know when it’s time to revisit your goals? How can you get buy-in from Council members? And, what can you do if a goal is no longer relevant or appropriate for your Council? We have a few tips on addressing these issues!

How do you know when it’s time to revisit your goals?

We encourage all Councils to evaluate their operations and goals yearly in a formal manner and as-needed throughout the year. It’s also a good idea to revisit your goals when circumstances change, such as if there is membership turnover, a change in resident needs, new or different family interests and needs, or other changes within the home or long-term care sector. In addition, if a Council member feels uncertain about the group goals, they should feel comfortable bringing up the concern to the group. So, the time to revisit your Council’s goal is yearly when circumstances change, or whenever a member feels it is necessary.

How can you get buy-in from Council members?

Buy-in from Council members is essential to Council goal achievement and overall success. To start with, it is essential to have a strong, high functioning Council team. Otherwise, getting buy-in will be challenging. Focus on building a strong team, using tools that support effectiveness, strengthening your connections, and facilitating meetings well. Getting buy-in is a long-term process that depends on the strong connections between members and to the group.

What can you do if a goal is no longer relevant or appropriate for your Council?

If your Council- following the Council decision making process established in your Terms of Reference- has decided that the goal is no longer relevant or appropriate, then it’s time to abandon it. Pass a motion at a meeting that the goal or activity will no longer be pursued. Then, turn your focus to other (new or established) goals and activities that are relevant and appropriate. Discontinuing the pursuit of a goal or activity does not mean that your Council has failed. In fact, it is a success that your Council has carefully and thoughtfully evaluated its goals and activities. Discontinuing a goal or activity can be just as important as achievement.

These are a few of our goals this year:

Continue to promote and support conflict resolution skill development for Family Council members and long-term care home staff

Building on the success of last fall’s Enhanced Conflict Resolution & Negotiation Training delivered by St. Stephen’s Community House, we’ll be holding two more sessions of the training in March (details coming soon), publishing a blog post, and holding a webinar on Unpacking the Silver Lining of Conflict within Family Councils. Conflict is an unavoidable part of life and we can learn resolution strategies and tools that can help in Family Council work.

Understand and support good customer service in long-term care

What does customer service mean in the long-term care (LTC) setting? What does good- or great- customer service look like in long-term care? Help FCO gather the information to help us answer these questions by sharing your thoughts in our survey. The results of this survey will inform our work on customer service in long-term care throughout 2019.

Family/friend caregiver survey:

Long-term care home staff survey:

Surveys close March 8 2019

Authentic engagement with Family Council members, long-term care home staff, and sector partners

As part of our ongoing efforts to engagement authentically and meaningfully with Family Council members, long-term care home staff, and sector partners we are kicking off our Resource Development Advisory Committee [details], continuing work to support Social Workers and Social Service Workers in LTC, developing new strategies for connecting with Family Councils to offer support, and more. Details of these efforts are being finalized so stay tuned!

We’d love to hear what about your 2019 goals! Send us an email at or share on our Facebook page. Happy 2019

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