Strength in connectedness

Par Family Councils Ontario

With Family Council Week approaching, we’re going to spend the month of May exploring the theme for the week: strength in connectedness!

Connectedness is the state of being connected. Through a Family Council, family members and friends of residents connect and unite in order to build strength and leverage efforts. This year, we’re celebrating the strong and deep connections Family Councils make and nurture within and outside of the Council. Together, we’re raising awareness of the contributions Family Councils make to the health care system across Ontario. It’s only through working together that we can support and strengthen the role of families in the long-term care sector.

To kick off our strength in connectedness blog series, let’s define connectedness. Connectedness is defined as the state of being connected, joined, united, or linked. To connect is “to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind,” or “to establish communication between." When we connect, join, unite, or link with others we can amplify and strengthen our efforts. For Family Councils, that means utilizing all of the skills, knowledge, resources, and expertise that your members bring to the table. It also means forging strong, collaborative relationships with residents, home staff, and other stakeholders in order to advance your mission and realize your vision. Without these strong connections, it would be impossible to build or maintain your strength as a group.

As we approach Family Council Week, we should all reflect on the various connections that allow us to do the work of improving the quality of life in long-term care. To successfully continue the efforts we undertake to create communities where everyone thrives, we need to take time to recognize and celebrate our work. Family Council Week is a fantastic opportunity to do just that. This year, let’s celebrate all of the connections that give us the strength to achieve our goals.

Stay tuned throughout May as we continue our strength in connectedness series!

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