The Power of Peer Support: Engaging families, changing lives!

Par Family Councils Ontario

This year’s Family Council Week theme may sound lofty but it’s really about recognizing the importance of getting back to basics. Connecting and engaging family members changes lives.

At its core, a Family Council is a peer support group. It’s about what I like to call the ‘been there, done that, got the t-shirt’ philosophy. It’s about knowing that the person sitting beside the table at a Family Council meeting ‘gets it.’ Fellow Council members can understand what you’re experiencing and empathize. It includes affirmation, information, emotional support, and perhaps even practical support (perhaps visiting fellow Council member’s loved ones to provide additional connections and contact). It’s really about knowing that you are not alone.

Having a loved one move in to Long-Term Care is a huge change for the new residents and their family. Family members often say that the first 6 months are especially difficult and come with a wide range of emotions. Some people feel guilty that their loved one is now living in LTC. Others feel relieved, which can make them feel even guiltier. Some people may be dealing with depression or feelings of helplessness. Research shows that stress levels of caregivers often increase after their loved one enters LTC. It’s a whole new world with new challenges, expectations and routines. Supporting families through the initial transition phase and beyond is an immensely valuable service a Family Council can provide to its members.

Support and empathy are powerful. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is to listen and offer understanding. Family Council should be a safe space for sharing your experiences and challenges. Establishing the rules and expectations around confidentiality at meetings will go a long way towards making people feel comfortable sharing their personal experiences and challenges. You can set aside time within your meetings for people to share their experiences and get/give support. This is an opportunity to provide invaluable care to your members.

Peer support can also take forms such as holding new family welcome events, or a doing a project such as new family welcome baskets. Both of these ideas show that you care about the well-being of new families and want to support them in their journey.

Peer support is an essential aspect of a Family Council. It forms the basis for your relationships among Council members and provides the platform from which you work together on project, activities and other initiatives. The importance of taking care of and supporting your fellow members cannot be understated!

Connect with us on Facebook to share how your Council nurtures and supports your members:

- Samantha, Director of Communications & Education

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