Understanding Partnerships

Par Family Councils Ontario

In order to be truly effective and successful, it’s necessary for Family Councils to form solid partnerships within the Council and between the Council and Long-Term Care (LTC) Home staff. In order to do this, we first need an understanding of what a partnership is and its characteristics.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “partnership is a collaborative relationship between two or more parties based on trust, equality and mutual understanding for the achievement of a specified goal.”1 To further define a partnerships, we can look at its characteristics. Partnerships usually have the following characteristics:

  • Parties involved have some sort of personal stake in the partnership;
  • All the partners are working towards a common aim or goal;
  • The partners have a similar set of beliefs or values;
  • The partners work together over a period of time;
  • There is agreement amongst the partners that a partnership is necessary and beneficial;
  • There is an understanding of the value of what each partner can contribute;
  • There is respect and trust between the different partners.2

So, what does this mean for Family Councils? If we look at each of the characteristics, we can easily see how effective Family Councils are partnerships.

  • Parties involved have some sort of personal stake in the partnership Each Family Council member has or had a family member or friend living in the LTC Home and improve the quality of life for all residents. LTC Home staff partners have both professional and personal interests in working together; they want to work in excellent Homes and care deeply about the people for whom they care.
  • All the partners are working towards a common aim or goal Family Council members and LTC Home staff work together on the ultimate mission to improve quality of life for people living in that Home, and the more specific goals that support the ultimate mission or vision.
  • The partners have a similar set of beliefs or values Effective Councils have established group rules or a Code of Conduct that outlines your group’s shared beliefs, values, and expected behaviours. These beliefs and values are what support how your members work together and how your Council works with other partners in the Home, including Home staff, residents, volunteers, and others.
  • The partners work together over a period of time This may be an indefinite period of time, as it is for most Councils, but can also be time-limited, for example a partnership for a project or initiative.
  • There is agreement amongst the partners that a partnership is necessary and beneficial Family Council members and Long-Term Care Home staff work best together when everyone understands the benefits of family involvement in Long-Term Care. It’s essential to understand how a strong, collaborative relationship between Council members and between the Council and Home benefits families, residents, and staff.
  • There is an understanding of the value of what each partner can contribute Clearly outline what each partner brings to the table and honour those contributions. Appreciate the various skills, positions, interests, and knowledge that each Council member brings to your group. Also remember to show appreciation for the support given to your Council by Home staff.
  • There is respect and trust between the different partners Respect and trust between Council members and between the Council and Home is essential for working well together. A lack of respect and trust will poison the relationships. If there is a disagreement or misunderstanding, seek to understand the source of the issue and work towards resolving it in a way that supports the partnership.

Effective partnerships are the foundation on which strong, vibrant LTC communities are built. It’s only by working together in partnership that we can create positive change, give and receive care, and build communities where everyone thrives.

For more on building partnerships, watch the video of our Working Better Together webinar on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1trpsto4yig


1: http://www.who.int/patientsafety/implementation/apps/definition/en/

2: https://theknowledgebiz.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/effective-partnership-working-getting-the-basics-right-from-start-to-finish/

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