What’s necessary to be partners?

Par Family Councils Ontario

Family Councils are unique entities in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes. Unlike other groups in the Ontarian, or Canadian, healthcare system, they are self-led, self-determining, democratic groups and are autonomous from the Long-Term Care Home. They determine their own goals and activities, and have powers and right as per the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007. While self-determining and independent, they rely heavily on partnerships in order to be able to fully realize their potential and achieve their goals. As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” So, what does it take to work together well? What’s necessary to be partners?

In order to build an effective partnership, we first need to have a shared understanding of what it is that we’re doing. You can build that shared understanding by focusing on communication. Communicate regularly and clearly your Council’s goals, activities, and desired outcomes. This is essential in building a shared vision of what you want to accomplish and supporting buy-in from all Council members and your LTC Home staff. If people are unsure of what it is that your Council is striving to do or what tactics you’re using to achieve your goals, then your partnership is at risk. Carefully consider your messaging to ensure that it is clear and truly reflective of what you’re aiming to do and how you’re doing it.

A second essential aspect of partnership is collaboration. Seek opportunities to invite collaboration on and engagement in your work. A good way to do this is to make sure you’ve clearly communicated your vision and objectives, and then ask your members to take on a piece of work. Meaningful involvement in your work will help people to feel more connected and engaged, thus making them better partners in carrying out the Council’s work. Accomplishing your goals will be much easier with a team of committed collaborators who feel valued and appreciated.

Finally, commitment to the partnership is required. Building a strong foundation of partnership where everyone is committed to the team and the tasks at hand not only helps you to achieve your goals, but is also crucial when things get tough. You may encounter challenges or roadblocks in achieving your goals or carrying out an activity. If you’ve already build committed partnerships, your Council is more likely to successfully overcome these challenges. When the going gets tough, a committed partnership works together to tough it out and preserve.

Family Councils are committed teams of family members and friends who work together towards a common goal: to improve the quality of life of people living in Long-Term Care. In order to do so well, they need to work together in partnership. Communication, collaboration, and commitment are all needed in order to build partnerships that last.

Join us for tomorrow’s Working Better Together webinar to learn more about building strong, effective partnerships at your Home! Full details and registration: http://bit.ly/FCOMakingItWork

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