Working Better Together: Strategies for Collaboration

Par Family Councils Ontario

silhouette of people standing on highland during golden hours

Written by Tiffany Fearon, FCO Client Services Manager

“Working Better Together” is a concept that rings true as there is undoubtable strength in numbers. Goals that seem impossible to attain appear closer in reach when we have ongoing support, guidance, and encouragement from others. There are many opportunities to nurture and strengthen relationships between Family Councils and long-term care home staff; as long as all parties are interested in cultivating positive partnerships. Family Councils can actively carry out their objectives by seeking support from their home staff teams as there are often many individuals in a home with multifaceted skillsets. Here are a few examples of how Family Councils and home staff can work better together to further their partnerships and increase family engagement.

Promotion of the Family Council to the home community:

A key to achieving consistent membership and engagement for any Family Council is ensure members of the home community know a Family Council is actively running. The home staff team and Family Council can work together to ensure news, updates, and events are promoted in easily accessible areas. A Family Council specific bulletin board that is brightly decorated can also attract attention. A great best practice that has worked for many homes is the inclusion of a flyer or brochure that details the Family Council in welcome packages for new residents and families.

Wine & Cheese meet & greet:

Who doesn’t love a glass of wine and some great cheese? Family Councils can consider working with their staff liaison to host social events to allow for families to connect and network. Having a themed event or holiday related gathering is a great way to engage families, recruit new members, and encourage peer support.

Ongoing updates and consultation:

Family Council meetings are a private space for members to discuss their experiences, goals, and concerns collectively. It is a great best practice for Family Councils to have a strong relationship with home Administration so that ongoing updates are communicated on a regular basis as well. Family Councils can consider inviting the Administrator or members of the staff team to their meetings on an agreed upon date and time to speak on important topics. Creating a platform for transparency and dialogue will make ongoing consultations a breeze!

Education day events:

Education days are a great way to share information and spread awareness on important topics that impact residents in long-term care. With support from home staff, Family Councils can plan and host a special day of guest speaker presentations, display tables, and of course delicious snacks for families and residents to enjoy.

We encourage Family Councils and home staff to think outside the box and expand their relationships with one another. There is so much that can be done when we lean on our allies to achieve our goals!

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