How to Join Zoom a Meeting on a PC (Virtual Visits Toolkit)
How to Join Zoom a Meeting on a PC
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How to install Zoom (Virtual Visits Toolkit)
Install the Zoom App on your Laptop or Desktop Computer
Virtual Visits Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to help any long-term care or retirement residence team to take on the task of setting up scheduled video calls between seniors and their loved ones.
Microsoft Excel Online - Create a spreadsheet (Digital Success Toolkit)
Part of the Digital Success Toolkit, this resource will instruct you on how to create a Spreadsheet in Microsoft excel online.
Digital Success Handbook
This handbook was designed to provide any Family Council with the instructions and guidance needed to set up a complete virtual meeting option for Council members.
Videos & Presentations
Courageously Living Through COVID-19 Together: Residents and Families (OARC & FCO Webinar Slide Deck)
OARC’s Executive Director and FCO’s executive director discuss this unprecedented time in our long-term care sector recognizing how COVID-19 has shaken us and how we have risen to the challenge with grace and courage by harnessing collaborative relationships to find solutions and support.