Victoria Village Manor Family Council

Victoria Village Manor

Family Council
  • Location: Barrie , ON
  • LHIN: North Simcoe Muskoka

The VVM Family Council is a small group of dedicated family members who are committed to enriching the lives of residents. We have made great strides over the past year in moving the Council forward by producing a comprehensive Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct, and Confidentiality policy. We have accomplished key fund raising objectives resulting in camera installations on one floor, record Staff Appreciation Christmas funds and a new approach to an old program that is producing impressive results for our resident Dare to Dream program. Our community education session “The Long Goodbye, Coping with Grief and Loss” ran early in May and there was a tremendous turnout of family members of residents at Victoria Village and other facilities. The information provided by the speakers from the Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County and North Simcoe Muskoka Palliative Care Network was extremely valuable and generated a lot of questions and much discussion. It was such a success that we are planning a second session in the fall of 2013. We hosted our first annual Family Council Executive election and it was a resounding success with the incumbents reinstated for another year to continue the great work under way. Finally, we are currently setting up an FC website as part of VVM's site which will provide a more effective way to interact with residents, families and the public. While members have come and gone, we have a strong core group that works exceptionally well with staff and continues to search for ways to make a difference for our residents. With this year under our belts, we are keen to see what the next will bring. If you want to see what the VVM Family Council is all about, call Wendy and watch for the new website. We would love to welcome new members!