IFA Global Cafe | In Conversation with Ms Robyn Widenmeier on "Raising Shingles Awareness"

Shingles can affect up to one in every three persons at some point in their lives, and it offers significant risks to older people, including an increased risk of stroke and other major health problems. If left untreated, the negative effects of shingles can be life-threatening.

As the Global Medical Portfolio Lead at GSK, Ms Widenmeier is pleased to share and advocate information about shingles and the importance of prevention through vaccination.

This Global Cafe takes place at 07:00 am (EST) on Friday 4 March 2022 (additional time zones below):

Vancouver, Canada 4:00 am
London, UK 12:00 pm
Geneva, Switzerland 1:00 pm
Lagos, Nigeria 1:00 pm
New Delhi, India 5:30 pm
Perth, Australia 8:00 pm

This Global Cafe will be recorded and streamed live on Facebook. Should you be unable to participate, a recording will be available on the IFA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/intfe... and resources will be available at: https://ifa.ngo/ifa-global-cafe/