FCO Virtual Family Forum

Please join our Virtual Family Forum created by Family Councils Ontario to share your concerns brainstorm ideas for maintaining a connection with residents, ask FCO staff questions about the COVID-19 situation and how it is impacting LTC, and give and receive support from your peers.

The discussion will be driven by family members with facilitation by an FCO staff person. The forums will take place on the following days and times:

October 12th, 2022 @ 10:00am (Click here to register)

October 18th, 2022 @ 6:30pm (Click here to register)

Sessions will only be held if there is sufficient registration (at least 6 people registered to attend). If sessions are cancelled, or at any time, caregivers and Council members can reach out to FCO staff for support. Registration closes at noon the day prior to the scheduled session. Please note that each session is limited to 25 participants.

Note: discussions will be limited in scope to Ontario long-term care.

After you register, you will receive more information about how you can join the group for these discussions either by phone or on your personal computer.