Humanizing Dementia Care in Long-Term Care

Presented by Family Councils Ontario & CARP Ottawa

Aimée will present the Hogeweyk model of long-term care and what is happening in Canada. In her presentation she will discuss the importance of community relationships and the benefits of this emotion-based model of care as it relates to staff and residents satisfaction.

Aimée Forman is an optimistic, analytical, and results-driven leader. She has experience across several sectors including real estate development, e-commerce, and aging care. She is passionate about social impact, systems change, and the silver economy.

As the founder and CEO of Silvermark, she has developed a team that shares a commitment to championing the needs and preferences of older adults. Together, they guide aging care leaders to impact-driven decisions that improve quality of life.

She has visited homes, and examined care models, around the world to understand challenges and opportunities from all perspectives - policymakers, providers, caregivers, families, and older adults themselves.

As an accomplished executive, and award-winning thought leader, Aimée provides clarity on how we can change aging care through human-centred approaches, leading innovations, and collaborations.