A look at partnership

by Family Councils Ontario

Successful Family Council works doesn’t exist in a vacuum- to be effective, you need authentic partnerships both within your Council and between the Council and others.

Your Council partners are your members, and could also be the home Residents’ Council, home staff, volunteers, or community groups. When considering who your partners are, think about who or what group shares your goals, objectives, or interests. These are people or groups who can work with your Council to help realize your vision.

What is partnership?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

“Partnership is a collaborative relationship between two or more parties based on trust, equality and mutual understanding for the achievement of a specified goal.”1

Partnerships have the following characteristics2:

  • Parties involved have some sort of personal stake in the partnership;
  • All the partners are working towards a common aim or goal;
  • The partners have a similar set of beliefs or values;
  • The partners work together over a period of time;
  • There is agreement amongst the partners that a partnership is necessary and beneficial;
  • There is an understanding of the value of what each partner can contribute;
  • There is respect and trust between the different partners.

Effective and beneficial partnerships take work. Stay tuned for more on partnership and how your Council can be an effective partner within your home!


1: http://www.who.int/patientsafety/implementation/apps/definition/en/

2. https://theknowledgebiz.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/effective-partnership-working-getting-the-basics-right-from-start-to-finish/

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