Being grateful at the Holiday Season

by Family Councils Ontario

As I reflected on the past year in preparation for writing this seasonal message I can’t help but realize that many of us are glad the year 2016 is over. It has been a year full of challenges and events that none of us were prepared for and still can barely believe they have happened. The chaos we have witnessed on the world stage and the many worrisome things that have happened in Long Term Care this year seem to over shadow much of the very good things that can be celebrated and we can be grateful for. Even so, there are many things for which we can express our gratitude.

Long Term Care Homes are a culturally diverse population and many traditions enjoy celebrations at this time of year. Each tradition is an occasion to celebrate our gratitude for each other and appreciate the gifts that everyone brings to a Family Council. This is a time of year to show how grateful we are for the people caring for our relatives living in Long-Term Care every day and the family and friends that support us in our caregiving.

As you know, we are a small team here at FCO but like Piglet our hearts are full of a rather large amount of gratitude for all of you who are involved in your Councils and endeavour to improve the quality of life for residents and shape vibrant communities in Long-Term Care Homes.

On behalf of Samantha and I and the Board of Directors of FCO let me extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for being part of your Family Council. We are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you in 2017.

- Lorraine Purdon, FCO Executive Director

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