Building Momentum for Long-Term Care CLRI Conference: We were there!

by Family Councils Ontario

At this week's Building Momentum for Long-Term Care CLRI Conference, Samantha Peck (FCO Director, Communications & Education), Laura Tamblyn-Watts (FCO Board Chair), Denis Lajoie (District Coordinator, Champlain Region Family Council Network), and Doreen Rocque (Chair, Champlain Region Family Council Network) had the pleasure of speaking to attendees on the topic of Family Councils!

Our panel presentation 'Optimizing the role of the Family Council – A Powerful Driver for Quality Care' was well received by attendees and generated fantastic discussion on how to support Family Councils in LTC.

We provided an overview of the role and importance of Family Councils in LTC, discussed the benefits of family involvement in LTC as found by research, shared stories of lived experience, and discussed case studies to strengthen the attendees' knowledge and skills related to working with Family Councils.

Thank you to the Bruyere Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRI) in LTC for hosting this fantastic conversation and having us speak on the important role Family Councils play in driving quality care in LTC!

Learn more about the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care here:

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