Culture Change Exchange

by Family Councils Ontario

On May 11th and 12th FCO participated in the Culture Change Exchange presented by the Schlegel Centre for Learning, Research, and Innovation in Long-Term Care, a program of the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging. The two day exchange event had over 45 speakers from across the Long-Term Care sector sharing insights and inspiring experiences along with practical ideas about how they are seriously challenging traditional institutional models of care by moving toward a social model of care. It was held at the new Centre of Excellence for Innovation in Aging in Waterloo, Ontario.

Throughout the two days we heard from many perspectives about what it means to have care that is resident and family centred. The presentations were excellent and the conversations were lively. It is always inspiring to hear people presenting about work they are passionate about with enthusiasm and humour.

One of the highlights was a presentation by Heather Luth, Dementia Program Coordinator from Schlegel Village of Wentworth Heights. Heather challenged recreational group programming and gave lots of ideas about how to interact and engage with those residents who may not be drawn into group activities.

FCO was part of a panel on the second day entitled “Resident and Family Member Perspectives on Culture Change.” This panel included two representatives from OARC: Dee Lender, Executive Director, and Sharon Cooke, President of the Board; a family member from Schlegel Village of Erin Meadows, Carl Saunders; a resident from Schlegel Village of Erin Meadows, David Kent; and myself, Lorraine Purdon. As the panel discussed the impact of culture change on residents and families it became clear that we all have a shared goal of improving the quality of life for everyone involved in a Long-Term Care Home that begins with the uniqueness of each resident and family. It was an honour to be part of this group of culture change advocates.

For more on the Culture Change Exchange, visit

- Lorraine Purdon, FCO Executive Director

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