Enhancing Care, Enhancing Life: Reflections on the Change Foundation Report

by Family Councils Ontario

For the past two years, Family Councils Ontario has been working with the Change Foundation and other partners on a project exploring the role, functioning, impact and leading practices of Residents’ and Family Councils in Long-Term Care. The report Enhancing Care, Enhancing Life showcases key findings from phase one of the Long-Term Care Resident Councils and Family Councils Project. This month, we’ll be discussing highlights from the report. To read the full series of reports, visit http://www.changefoundation.ca/enhancing-care-long-term-care-report/

One of the series of reports, Family Member Views of Family Councils in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes, focuses on family member perceptions of the role, functioning, impact and leading practices of Family Councils. One of the key findings of this report is one that, while not surprising to FCO, is important to highlight: the top reported role of a Family Council by family member respondents is Enhancing quality of life for residents (84%), with Information sharing (82%), and Enhancing quality of care for residents (80%) close behind. This isn’t ground-breaking news to those of us who are familiar with the work of Family Councils, but it points to the essential nature of these roles in a Long-Term Care Home. Further, the majority of family member respondents (76%) believed that the Family Council is fulfilling its role and function in the Home. This tells us that Family Councils make a big difference in the lives of care of people living in Long-Term Care. And while Family Councils across the province are unique, this data also tells us that their unique structures, goals, interests and activities are aligned to support achieving the ultimate goal of improving the lives of people living in Long-Term Care.

Family Council impact on culture, function, and operation of the Home was also explored in the report. A majority of participating family members, 73%, believe the Family Council is important to the culture of the Home, while 72% believe the Family Council is important to the function and operation of the Home. The reasons stated for this belief include Family Council being a place for families to get information on how to handle a challenge, being a bridge between residents and staff, and building a positive, productive relationship between families and the Home. While this again, may not seem like news to some, it’s important evidence of the value of Family Councils in Long-Term Care.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be exploring more of this report and the others in the Enhancing Care, Enhancing Life series. We encourage you to read these reports with your Council and reflect on your role, functioning, impact and practices in your Home. Consider what is consistent with your own practices and what information or ideas you can use to improve your work. Share your thoughts with us on Facebook!

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