Kicking off Family Council Week 2019

by Family Councils Ontario

This Saturday, June 1st, is the start of this year’s Family Council Week. In 2010, we celebrated the first ever Family Council Day that has now grown into Family Council Week, an annual week-long celebration of the enormous contribution Family Councils make to long-term care. Held every year during Seniors’ Month, we mark this week at FCO and also encourage Councils and homes across Ontario to do the same. We mark this week to recognize the important, rewarding, and sometimes challenging work Family Council members do every day to improve LTC home residents’ quality of life, support families and friends of residents, and work in partnership with home staff to improve the resident, family, and staff experiences in long-term care. In this week’s blog post, read on for ideas of how you and your Council can celebrate.

What you can do to celebrate

Councils and homes across Ontario celebrate Family Council Week in a variety of different and amazing ways. Past celebrations have included:

  • Social events such as afternoon tea and mix & mingle wine and cheese
  • Educational events such as speakers from the local Alzheimer’s Society or from home staff speaking about the work of their department
  • Self-care events including yoga classes, professional back massages, and stress relief workshops
  • Staff appreciation events and ideas such as Council member made treats available for all shifts and cards signed by Council members

Share your Family Council Week celebrations with us! Email Tiffany at with your articles and photos so we can share them with Councils via our ebulletin.

Upcoming conference

FCO marks Family Council Week with our bi-ennial conference. This year’s conference “LTC Change Makers: 20 years of Family Council excellence” is a dedication to the many individuals who have mobilized change for the sector past, present, and future. Join us for a great two-day event filled with information, interaction, and celebration! This event will also be our first ever two-site conference, with sites in both Toronto and Sudbury. You can find all the details and register online. We hope to see you there!

Family Council Week is an important event for FCO. We always look forward to celebrating with you and showing our appreciation for the work you do to improve quality of life in long-term care. Thank you!

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