New Horizons in the Long-Term Care Sector

by Family Councils Ontario

By Tiffany Fearon (Client Services Coordinator, Family Councils Ontario)

With a background in Criminology, Sociology, and Gender Studies, a younger version of myself would have never guessed that the long-term care sector would become my new home. My journey to becoming the first Client Services Coordinator with Family Councils Ontario was one filled with experiential learning, professional experimentation, and a lot of personal growth.

Understanding the dynamics within our population and participating in community based initiatives has always been a passion of mine. After completing my undergrad at the University of Toronto, I realized that I lacked clear insight on my long term career goals. After some well needed soul searching, I pursued a Post Graduate Certificate at Humber College in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Students in the ADR program had the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge accompanied with practical experience on handling conflict. The program proved to be rewarding outside of the classroom as I was able to transfer what I had learned into everyday experiences and interactions. After working alongside Family Mediators as an Administrator for a few years, I was elated to be chosen by Family Councils Ontario to join their team. Although a big change from family based court services, I am excited to apply my skills and experience in this new role.

Family Councils Ontario has adopted a mission to improve the quality of care for those in long-term care whilst working on their vision to ensure the best possible experiences for individuals in homes across the province. It has already become apparent that the staff and Board of Directors at FCO work tirelessly to ensure the needs of LTC home residents are fulfilled. Their goals for cultivating effective Family Councils, mobilizing knowledge, and seeking opportunities to advance policy and system planning shows immense dedication to improve the quality of life for our aging population. I couldn’t be happier to be aligned with an organization that focuses on client based services and giving back to the community.

In my short time here, I have witnessed the work that goes into planning and delivering a successful Family Councils Week. This year’s theme “Strength in Connectedness” embodies the need for unity, communication, and deep relationships within Family Councils to make a meaningful impact. The willingness to connect makes a world of difference. My experience with conflict and dispute resolution has taught me that empowered and connected individuals are a force to be reckoned with. When we understand each other’s common goals and aim to unite in good faith, positive outcomes are possible. We should all be mindful of the strength that comes from all of our connections, big or small.

As the Client Services Coordinator, my aim is to connect, engage, and create new bonds through facilitation and navigation. I look forward to the new experiences ahead and the opportunity to meet with members of various councils and partnering agencies.

Let the journey begin!

-Tiffany Fearon (Client Services Coordinator, Family Councils Ontario)

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