Sharing stories to bring us together

by Family Councils Ontario

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”
Philip Pullman

Sharing stories helps bring us together. When we share openly about our experiences, challenges, hopes, and joys we connect with others on a deeper level. Storytelling within a Family Council helps members connect with and support each other. When we share our stories, we communicate our experiences and provide information that may help others. During a Family Council meeting, when families and friends of residents share their thoughts and feelings, this can help others who are in the same situations cope. For example, if one member shares a story of experiencing difficulties in adjusting to having a loved one living in Long-Term Care, this can help new members cope as they realize that they are not alone in feeling this way. Storytelling helps listeners, even if they don’t yet participate in sharing their own.

We can also benefit from sharing our story. Telling a story can be as simple as sharing a story about a great experience your loved one had in the Home, or a story of a challenge you faced since the last Family Council meeting. Telling these stories provides a means for others to give support to the storyteller, perhaps through providing emotional or informational support. Others can’t know for sure what a person needs unless that person shares their story. If you share a story of a challenging experience, others can provide support through empathizing with you, providing tips on addressing the situation, or simply ensuring that you are heard. A story doesn’t need to be long or dramatic in order to resonate with others or provide an opportunity to give and receive support; it just needs to be true, honest and your story.

Storytelling is also a great way of promoting your Council. Consider telling stories of how being a Family Council member can benefitted you. Families and friends of residents are more likely to attend a Council meeting if they understand why they should. Telling your story of why you joined the Council and how membership has made a difference in your life will go a long way towards telling others why they should join. If people can ‘see’ themselves benefitting from joining the Council through the stories you share, then sharing this story will make a huge difference in someone else’s life. Consider discussing at a Council meeting how you can use stories to recruit new members to the Council.

If you have a story about how being a member of a Family Council has benefitted you, contact us. We’re always eager to hear your stories and, with permission, share them with others who may benefit from hearing about others’ experiences, challenges, and successes. Email for more information on sharing your story.

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