Systems level strength in connectedness

by Family Councils Ontario

At FCO, we strongly believe that it is only by working together that we can effect change. There truly is strength in connectedness. We see this not only in Family Councils and between Councils and LTC home staff, but also in the work we do at a systems level to help improve the quality of life of people in long-term care.

One of FCO’s organization goals is to advance public policy & system planning. We seek opportunities to inform policy to improve the quality of life in long-term care and foster partnerships and relationships to increase impact. Through these opportunities, partnerships and connections, we work to realize our vision that people in long-term care have a vibrant experience and the best care. Through working with partners at government and system levels, we have numerous opportunities to bring forth family caregiver perspectives on issues ranging from long-term care home redevelopment and staffing issues, to appropriate language and supporting people living with responsive behavior. Every issue and opportunity facing the LTC system right now can benefit from the family perspective. FCO is seen as a strong advocate for family engagement in care and decision making, and the primary conduit for channeling that information to policy and decision makers. We are honoured to play that role within the sector.

In every committee and at every table at which we sit, we bring the family caregiver perspective with us. It’s only through connecting the lived experiences we hear about with policy and system planning that we can work to bring about positive change. Here are a few of the committees in which we are currently involved:

  • Behavioural Supports Ontario (provincial steering committee and collaborative groups)
  • Enhanced Long-Term Care Home Renewal Strategy
  • Health Quality Ontario Resource Development Advisory Group
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Stakeholder Liaison Committee

Throughout all of the meetings and communications with these groups, we keep in mind two things. 1: We are there to bring forth your concern, challenges, successes, and opinions. So please continue to share your thoughts and ideas with us. And 2: our involvement with these groups is essential in helping us carry out our mission and achieve our vision, and in helping Councils to do their work. This is strength in connectedness in action.

If you have questions or feedback on any of this work, please let us know! You can reach us by email or phone (647-427-5551, toll-free 877-622-9968).

Next week, we’ll explore other aspects of strength in connectedness as Family Council Week 2018 approaches!

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