Taking Time to Celebrate

by Family Councils Ontario

December is frequently a month full of celebration. Family Councils across the province hold and participate in holiday celebrations, thank LTC staff for their hard work, decorate the Home with decorations from a variety of traditions, and show gratitude in a multitude of ways.

Saying 'Thank You' and taking time to celebrate is so important for families, residents and LTC Home staff. Long-Term Care is a complicated, sometimes challenging, system and residents have complex health needs, yet LTC Homes are vibrant communities full of joy and celebration all year round.

Families and Family Councils have much to contribute to LTC Homes and the sector as a whole through their work improving the quality of life of residents in their Home. Families bring unique perspectives and knowledge to the LTC Home community to support high quality of living for residents. Councils build community through events, communicating with residents, families, and staff, and taking time to thank and give back to the dedicated, skilled staff who work in LTC. Councils truly to improve and change lives of family members, residents, and staff.

So, we'd like to end 2015 by marking December as a month of celebration and gratitude. What are you celebrating this month? What are you most grateful for this year? COMMENT and let us know! Join the conversation on Facebook: www.facebook.com/FamilyCouncilsOntario

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