Unpacking the Silver Lining of Conflict within Family Councils: A snapshot!

by Family Councils Ontario

By Tiffany Fearon, FCO Client Services Coordinator

Conflict – it’s all around us. From an argument over a mall parking spot, to a spat with a co-worker, it is hard to ignore the occurrences of conflicts in our everyday interactions. Although we may consider our disagreements with others as a damper on any given day, it is important to understand and acknowledge the positives that come from the unsavory moments. This is especially important as one topic that is common in many Family Councils is the prevalence of conflict and disruptive behavior. At the end of this month, I will be hosting a webinar for Family Councils Ontario titled “Unpacking the Silver Lining of Conflict within Family Councils.” For January’s guest blog, I will provide a glimpse of the key ideas that will be discussed.

Roots of Conflict

To understand conflict, it is imperative to recognize the underlying issues at play. For Family Councils, getting to the bottom of where the conflict originates is a great first step. When discussing conflict, we can visualize a tree and its roots. The roots help to anchor the tree, keep it sturdy, and draw nutrients and water from the ground. Proper care and treatment of the roots is crucial for a tree’s survival.Now let’s imagine every Family Council as a tree within a long-term care home and its members as the roots. For a Family Council to thrive, it’s imperative for members to work collectively, communicate, and undertake peer support. It is expected that members will have their share of differences, but mishandled disagreements can have a great impact on the interpersonal “roots” of a Family Council. Navigating through topics such as governance, communication breakdowns, personal expectations, and relationships with home Administration will be covered in the upcoming webinar presentation.

The Four A’s

When a conflict arises, the knee jerk reaction for many of us is to become irritated and assign blame. When we put most of our effort into singling out “bad behavior,” we only scratch the surface of the issue instead of resolving it. The webinar will discuss key steps for appropriately dissecting a bad situation with the “Four A’s of Conflict.”I will walk registrants through the benefits of remembering four key words: Analyze, Acknowledge, & Act Accordingly.

The Silver Lining of Conflict

When I was young, my parents instilled in me that it was necessary to be mindful of the “silver lining” in many of my experiences. This idea resonated with me as I entered adulthood and became exposed to the many obstacles of being a “grown up” in the working world. While the term conflict is generally considered negative, it can have positive effects on our relationships and ability to engage and understand the positions of others. Instead of going through the motions of a bad experience, we can use them as positive know-hows for the future. In this webinar, I will take the time to explain how Family Councils can find the silver lining in common unpleasant situations with interactive examples and scenarios. The goal is to equip participants with the tools to turn a conflict around and grow from it!

All are welcome to register for this webinar to be held on January 31st at 2:00 pm for an interactive presentation on these concepts and more. Register online to learn how to Unpack the Silver Lining of Conflict within Family Councils!

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